10/2017 — Ministry
I remember a sermon I head recently where it challenged us, as the audience to make time to do things God is calling us to do. As I am hearing it, I am agreeing, nodding, etc., until he says something that shook my spirit, for us to make time, we will not be cutting into time at work, with the family, cleaning or other responsibilities, it’s going to be the “me time”. “Uh-Oh”, I realize. I have come to depend on my me time. When littles are in bed, I look forward to “vegging”, what does that mean anyway? I am typing this entry from my written “blog” and I am looking closer into this word, which I believe refers to being like a vegetable. Why would anyone choose to live like that for any amount of time?

What would things look like if I lived more intentionally and more purposefully? (see here for beginning your own Extraordinary journey) What more would I do or accomplish in this world? Once The Spirit had shown me this I ask for forgiveness. There is no such thing as “my time” we are to be generous with all things, remembering that anything we “have” is given to us by grace and not really belonging to us, but on loan from our Heavenly Father. If I am following after Jesus, we are stewards of His glorious blessings, which is pretty awesome! God has a way of softening us so that, should we walk in obedience, He leas us to someplace new and greater and with more responsibility.

For me it was MOPs. I was not familiar with this organization prior and once I heard MOPs and Monday night in the same sentence, my brain threw a red flag on the play. I didn’t look into it any further. I was very guarded with my time, especially after having children. Everything has to happen just so and if it didn’t, it really made things difficult for me. So, I hid behind “my time”. God couldn’t stretch me if I hid in this space. God has shown me, as I write this that I was putting “my time” before “His time” & even now he is teaching me that I often put “my timing” before “His perfect timing.
So here I am feeling compelled to get more involved in ministry while I have littles, 3,4 and 5 months at the time. This would not have been something I came up with on my own and to be completely transparent, I tended towards an outside orbit when it came to my involvement in church. I really wanted to steer clear of any church politics, so leading a group would have been way off my radar. But God had different plans.
Of course He did…