11/2017 – Life
I was sifting through the laundry basket looking for footie pants, all for the purpose of keeping my littlest’s feet warm. We have had lots of trouble getting and keeping the laundry under control, actually I am expecting the laundry to stage a mutiny any day now and kick us all out of the house. So, back to the cute, but chilly baby feet. As I am sifting, one handed (baby is in the other arm) I am thinking how large full and mixed up this load of laundry is and I start looking for the probability facts folder in the files of my now fractured memory. (Delivering 3 babies in a 5 year period has left me with few brain cells and the 3 I have left aren’t even working together.
So, after receiving a “file not found” brain message a couple of times, I finally find an old memory that reminds me if I am looking for one specific item in a sea of many many other items, it’s a low probability that I am going to find what I am looking for at this time. Especially since I am randomly reaching in the laundry basket with no rhyme, reason or strategy.

So, I start to pray.
(Yes pray, I pray about any and everything, it has served me well since I was a child) “I have a wiggly baby in one hand and Lord please help me find these specific footie pants.” You see, all the while I am sifting, (no, sifting requires strategy and forethought)…all the while I was blindly reaching, I pulled up a knee high sock, thought “nope, that’s not it” put it back and kept looking. Then, what I know to be The Holy Spirit starts speaking to me within my mind’s thoughts. (I know it’s The Holy Spirit because He spoke wisdom that I know for a fact didn’t come from me) He said, ever so gently, that I was so busy expecting God to give me specifically the pants I had pictured in my mind, that I totally missed His answered prayer in those knee high socks. I had forgotten the need: which was to warm chilly baby feet. I was so focused on the assumed mental image I missed meeting the need. As I came to this understanding, while laughing to myself, I was reaching in and pulled out the pants I was looking for the whole time.
A Laundry Lesson in Prayer, God can use anything to help and teach us, Praise the Lord!