Feed Me Tacos and Tell Me Your Story with 10K Tacos

Sto­ry­telling is a hot top­ic these days. We are see­ing Sto­ry­telling being used in the cor­po­rate envi­ron­ment, mar­ket­ing and even in per­son­al devel­op­ment. If some­one asked, “What is your Sto­ry?”, would you be ready? In fact, how would you like to feed me Tacos and tell me your sto­ry? Last month, Isidro sat down with me and shared some amaz­ing lessons and insight based on his expe­ri­ence grow­ing up as The Proud Son of a Tac­quero. We also spoke about what taco expec­ta­tions look like and even ways to find good tacos.

Join me as I lis­ten to some “Taquotes”, learn more about the ben­e­fits of sto­ry­telling and con­nect with 10K Tacos. If you are look­ing to build your sto­ry­telling skills, join our mail­ing list and we will send you some links to groups where you can prac­tice sto­ry telling and if you are inter­est­ed we can put togeth­er a Work­shop with 10K Tacos and invite you all to build your sto­ry­telling skills and speak about avenues where you can use sto­ry­telling to improve your busi­ness, life and rela­tion­ships. So, what do you think? Do you think you could be ready to Feed Me Tacos and Tell Me Your Sto­ry? Or even bet­ter, could you be ready to Feed any­one Tacos and Tell Them Your Sto­ry? 10K Tacos has a pod­cast about a Taco Truck. Make sure to check it out here. There is also a web­site where you can get taco swag, merch etc. here


Lis­ten to the Last Interview