Extraordinary Love: My Podcast with Actor, Producer & Director Jefferson Moore

What is Extra­or­di­nary Love Sweet friends? 

With­out the din­ner but in a “My Din­ner With Andre” style, the tal­ent­ed Mr Jef­fer­son Moore agreed to sit down with me to speak about his movies, his vision, and who he is. Spoil­er Alert* he is shy. His words not mine, I would have nev­er guessed that, even as we had this amaz­ing inter­view. I was like really?! 

How did this come to pass?

I was watch­ing my fav Jef­fer­son Moore movie one night when I need­ed some encour­age­ment and I got one of my bright ideas. I am going to email a per­fect stranger after watch­ing his move “The Per­fect Stranger” and invite him to be a guest on the Opt­ing Out Pod­cast. It was 2am, I thought that I had bet­ter wait until it was a more rea­son­able hour and try then. Well this amaz­ing gen­tle­man and I mean every sense of that word, kind­ly agreed to do the inter­view and here we are. 

Who is the Perfect Stranger & What Does it have to do with Extraordinary Love?

Although I don’t go into much detail about the movie in this pod­cast, I high­ly rec­om­mend you check it out. There is some­thing about Jesus movies that draws every­one in, crit­ics and fol­low­ers both. He IS the embod­i­ment of Extra­or­di­nary Love. For bet­ter or worse I believe most if not all would want an audi­ence with their cre­ator and license to ask what­ev­er they want The Good The Bad & The Ugly. 

What would you ask? This movie, its sequels and the episodes of the series do not pull any punch­es. They ask the hard ques­tions and put Jesus in the hot seat. From an athe­ist pro­fes­sor, (This was waaay before “God’s not Dead” Folks) to a politi­cian with a secret to a high school girl who was tak­en advan­tage of. The ques­tions and themes touch on the things we have all won­dered while expe­ri­enc­ing a bro­ken world. 

Extra­or­di­nary Love via The Per­fect Din­ner Date 
Extra­or­di­nary Love, the newest addition

Don’t you love some­one who shares the love just as gen­er­ous­ly as they receive it?! Our guest had some great things to say about oth­er artists, like Dal­las Jenk­ins and The Cho­sen, the new kid on the block, (The Cho­sen, not Dal­las. Dal­las has been around a while) The Cho­sen is anoth­er show that hits close to home, which is why I also love it. But when it comes to the, what would it be like to meet Jesus in per­son, films and series’, my heart belongs to “The Per­fect Stranger”. If you can’t hear me, I am doing the *sigh*. Yes Y’All that dreamy I am in love sigh. 2 words Extra­or­di­nary Love. 

Jesus is amaz­ing and Kel­ly’s Film­works Stu­dios does a great job of show­ing just how much we are all loved and cared for indi­vid­u­al­ly and spe­cial­ly. And that is what we all want, isn’t it? To be spe­cial to some­one who tru­ly knows us and appre­ci­ates us. 

Real Talk,

I was cry­ing dur­ing all the movies and episodes of the series. Beyond that, it’s great cin­e­ma! If you look up Mr. Moore’s socials (FB, IG YouTube) you will see the sea of com­ments with excit­ed buzz for more movies and now that I am fol­low­ing them on Face­book, I will be one of them! 

Inter­est­ed in act­ing or mak­ing a movie, Jef­fer­son also shares his sto­ry of how The Per­fect Stranger came to be. It’s a mirac­u­lous sto­ry you guys that begins with the best sell­ing author, David Gre­go­ry. So get com­fy, it’s a long inter­view, but, hey that’s what pod­cast apps are for! You can start and stop as nec­es­sary and still hear exact­ly what you need in God’s Per­fect Tim­ing. So what will “speak” to you today? Let us know in the com­ments here or in our socials. Love You and You ARE EXTRAORDINARILY LOVED! —And in case you for­got, lis­ten to Your Path , Your Val­ue , & Your Health for a reminder. 

Opt­ing Out 
Extra­or­di­nary Love: My Pod­cast with Actor, Pro­duc­er & Direc­tor Jef­fer­son Moore