Walking on Water with Confidence

Some people will stay in the boat while others will venture on foot in the sea, walking on water, which one are you?

Identifying, Understanding and Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

Did you know you were made to do great things? No, real­ly, it’s true! It is why we love watch­ing movies about adven­ture. Deep down we want that to be part of our sto­ry. Whether it’s open­ing a local cof­fee shop, trav­el­ing the world as a pod­cast­er, plant­i­ng a church or serv­ing a min­istry or cause in a devel­op­ing coun­try, there are extra­or­di­nary feats that we want to accom­plish. Now, whether we actu­al­ly try to accom­plish them, that is a dif­fer­ent mat­ter alto­geth­er. What stops us from walk­ing on water with con­fi­dence? Think of some­thing that you have always want­ed to do, now think of all the rea­sons you haven’t done it yet. Those rea­sons are often called Self-Lim­it­ing Beliefs. By Iden­ti­fy­ing, Under­stand­ing and Over­com­ing Self-Lim­it­ing Beliefs it makes what we thought to be impos­si­ble, possible.

On anoth­er note, let’s get togeth­er! I want to hear what you think. It’s time to have a work­shop. Vir­tu­al, Hybrid and in per­son. The Dream Big Again—Then Acti­vate Sem­i­nar! How many cours­es, books, con­fer­ences have you attend­ed and loved then found a few months lat­er you felt like you hadn’t made the progress you hoped for? My prayer is to crack that code. To actu­al­ly host events, pro­grams, etc. that have mea­sur­able met­rics of suc­cess and pro­vide roadmaps with short-term wins. Events cus­tomized to your needs. I believe it’s possible! 

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Pho­to cred­it: https://faith-christian.org/walking-on-water/

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Walk­ing on Water with Confidence