Podcasting Like A Savage 🗣

It’s the new year sweet friend and your future is call­ing you? Do you have it on hold or are you ready to answer? Either answer is a good answer, what mat­ters is that you know where you are and where you are head­ing. If you don’t know that’s okay too! We can help you! Count­less stud­ies show that plan­ning with the end in mind builds moti­va­tion and increas­es your chances of suc­cess. Just ask this Mom CEO and Founder of “Mom­min Like a Sav­age”, Suzi Dean from Suzi Talk

Get Ready Y’all because I feel like this brand is going to blow up the social media space and vir­tu­al wine and cof­fee chats. My Kenieshi Sense is sparkling and usu­al­ly that means some­thing amaz­ing is going to happen.

REAL TALK: I meant to post this amaz­ing inter­view like a MONTH AGO. Ugh, but now with the fresh aro­ma of the new year and the wine I’m drink­ing loom­ing I am think­ing it was divine­ly inspired. What a way to start your year off right. Whether it’s edu­ca­tion, par­ent­ing, mar­riage, fam­i­ly or what­ev­er, Suzi isn’t afraid to speak her truth and give you space to speak yours too! She runs some of the hottest rooms on Club­house and even has an expo­nen­tial­ly grow­ing FB com­mu­ni­ty.

Check this PHD CEO doin’ all the things like a savage!

Opt­ing Out 
Pod­cast­ing Like A Savage 🗣