Job Loss to Boss — The Adventure Startup with Trove Hospitality

pink slip to be your own boss

Wel­come to our newest Series with­in Opt­ing Out! The Adven­ture Start­up! Join us as we speak about How to Start a Busi­ness with Stephanie Ver­heyem. Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, this bold entre­pre­neur went from job loss to boss. In the midst of uncer­tain­ty, this Extra­or­di­nary Entre­pre­neur turned her post pan­dem­ic pink slip into pink par­ties and glass slip­pers. Now, she is becom­ing known around Nashville for her bach­e­lorette par­ties and event plan­ning for vis­i­tors to Music City. Trove Hos­pi­tal­i­ty is a concierge event and trip plan­ning ser­vice is becom­ing quite pop­u­lar. This love­ly lady and her start up has made a big splash! So much so that she has been noticed by an up and com­ing App, Bach! How exciting! 

This time has many inspir­ing entre­pre­neurs want­i­ng to begin their own Adven­ture Star­tups. Well we here love the Start Up com­mu­ni­ty and all that is asso­ci­at­ed, even those sea­soned orga­ni­za­tions that employ the start up cul­ture, there is some­thing so excit­ing about the con­cept and see­ing it in action def­i­nite­ly ener­gizes enthu­si­asts. Do you want to go from job loss to boss? Or just plain start your own thing? Make sure to sign up for our newslet­ter so you will receive updates for new episodes and infor­ma­tion about upcom­ing events and promotions.

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Stephanie takes us with her on her Adven­ture Start­up so that we may take a look at the ins and outs of devel­op­ing Trove Hos­pi­tal­i­ty. We dis­cuss how to start a busi­ness and go from job loss to boss. So, friends get ready for strat­e­gy around mar­ket­ing, devel­op­ing a Plan and even bold pitch­ing tips!

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Opting Out
Opt­ing Out 
Job Loss to Boss — The Adven­ture Start­up with Trove Hospitality