Extraordinary Love: My Podcast with Actor, Producer & Director Jefferson Moore

Opting out podcast Image Extraordinary Love Episode

What is Extra­or­di­nary Love Sweet friends? 

With­out the din­ner but in a “My Din­ner With Andre” style, the tal­ent­ed Mr Jef­fer­son Moore agreed to sit down with me to speak about his movies, his vision, and who he is. Spoil­er Alert* he is shy. His words not mine, I would have nev­er guessed that, even as we had this amaz­ing inter­view. I was like really?! 

How did this come to pass?

I was watch­ing my fav Jef­fer­son Moore movie one night when I need­ed some encour­age­ment and I got one of my bright ideas. I am going to email a per­fect stranger after watch­ing his move “The Per­fect Stranger” and invite him to be a guest on the Opt­ing Out Pod­cast. It was 2am, I thought that I had bet­ter wait until it was a more rea­son­able hour and try then. Well this amaz­ing gen­tle­man and I mean every sense of that word, kind­ly agreed to do the inter­view and here we are. 

Who is the Perfect Stranger & What Does it have to do with Extraordinary Love?

Although I don’t go into much detail about the movie in this pod­cast, I high­ly rec­om­mend you check it out. There is some­thing about Jesus movies that draws every­one in, crit­ics and fol­low­ers both. He IS the embod­i­ment of Extra­or­di­nary Love. For bet­ter or worse I believe most if not all would want an audi­ence with their cre­ator and license to ask what­ev­er they want The Good The Bad & The Ugly. 

What would you ask? This movie, its sequels and the episodes of the series do not pull any punch­es. They ask the hard ques­tions and put Jesus in the hot seat. From an athe­ist pro­fes­sor, (This was waaay before “God’s not Dead” Folks) to a politi­cian with a secret to a high school girl who was tak­en advan­tage of. The ques­tions and themes touch on the things we have all won­dered while expe­ri­enc­ing a bro­ken world. 

Extra­or­di­nary Love via The Per­fect Din­ner Date 
Extra­or­di­nary Love, the newest addition

Don’t you love some­one who shares the love just as gen­er­ous­ly as they receive it?! Our guest had some great things to say about oth­er artists, like Dal­las Jenk­ins and The Cho­sen, the new kid on the block, (The Cho­sen, not Dal­las. Dal­las has been around a while) The Cho­sen is anoth­er show that hits close to home, which is why I also love it. But when it comes to the, what would it be like to meet Jesus in per­son, films and series’, my heart belongs to “The Per­fect Stranger”. If you can’t hear me, I am doing the *sigh*. Yes Y’All that dreamy I am in love sigh. 2 words Extra­or­di­nary Love. 

Jesus is amaz­ing and Kel­ly’s Film­works Stu­dios does a great job of show­ing just how much we are all loved and cared for indi­vid­u­al­ly and spe­cial­ly. And that is what we all want, isn’t it? To be spe­cial to some­one who tru­ly knows us and appre­ci­ates us. 

Real Talk,

I was cry­ing dur­ing all the movies and episodes of the series. Beyond that, it’s great cin­e­ma! If you look up Mr. Moore’s socials (FB, IG YouTube) you will see the sea of com­ments with excit­ed buzz for more movies and now that I am fol­low­ing them on Face­book, I will be one of them! 

Inter­est­ed in act­ing or mak­ing a movie, Jef­fer­son also shares his sto­ry of how The Per­fect Stranger came to be. It’s a mirac­u­lous sto­ry you guys that begins with the best sell­ing author, David Gre­go­ry. So get com­fy, it’s a long inter­view, but, hey that’s what pod­cast apps are for! You can start and stop as nec­es­sary and still hear exact­ly what you need in God’s Per­fect Tim­ing. So what will “speak” to you today? Let us know in the com­ments here or in our socials. Love You and You ARE EXTRAORDINARILY LOVED! —And in case you for­got, lis­ten to Your Path , Your Val­ue , & Your Health for a reminder. 

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Opt­ing Out 
Extra­or­di­nary Love: My Pod­cast with Actor, Pro­duc­er & Direc­tor Jef­fer­son Moore

Podcasting Like A Savage 🗣

It’s the new year sweet friend and your future is call­ing you? Do you have it on hold or are you ready to answer? Either answer is a good answer, what mat­ters is that you know where you are and where you are head­ing. If you don’t know that’s okay too! We can help you! Count­less stud­ies show that plan­ning with the end in mind builds moti­va­tion and increas­es your chances of suc­cess. Just ask this Mom CEO and Founder of “Mom­min Like a Sav­age”, Suzi Dean from Suzi Talk

Get Ready Y’all because I feel like this brand is going to blow up the social media space and vir­tu­al wine and cof­fee chats. My Kenieshi Sense is sparkling and usu­al­ly that means some­thing amaz­ing is going to happen.

REAL TALK: I meant to post this amaz­ing inter­view like a MONTH AGO. Ugh, but now with the fresh aro­ma of the new year and the wine I’m drink­ing loom­ing I am think­ing it was divine­ly inspired. What a way to start your year off right. Whether it’s edu­ca­tion, par­ent­ing, mar­riage, fam­i­ly or what­ev­er, Suzi isn’t afraid to speak her truth and give you space to speak yours too! She runs some of the hottest rooms on Club­house and even has an expo­nen­tial­ly grow­ing FB com­mu­ni­ty.

Check this PHD CEO doin’ all the things like a savage!

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Pod­cast­ing Like A Savage 🗣

Feed Me Tacos and Tell Me Your Story with 10K Tacos

youtube thumbnail for 10k tacos

Sto­ry­telling is a hot top­ic these days. We are see­ing Sto­ry­telling being used in the cor­po­rate envi­ron­ment, mar­ket­ing and even in per­son­al devel­op­ment. If some­one asked, “What is your Sto­ry?”, would you be ready? In fact, how would you like to feed me Tacos and tell me your sto­ry? Last month, Isidro sat down with me and shared some amaz­ing lessons and insight based on his expe­ri­ence grow­ing up as The Proud Son of a Tac­quero. We also spoke about what taco expec­ta­tions look like and even ways to find good tacos.

Join me as I lis­ten to some “Taquotes”, learn more about the ben­e­fits of sto­ry­telling and con­nect with 10K Tacos. If you are look­ing to build your sto­ry­telling skills, join our mail­ing list and we will send you some links to groups where you can prac­tice sto­ry telling and if you are inter­est­ed we can put togeth­er a Work­shop with 10K Tacos and invite you all to build your sto­ry­telling skills and speak about avenues where you can use sto­ry­telling to improve your busi­ness, life and rela­tion­ships. So, what do you think? Do you think you could be ready to Feed Me Tacos and Tell Me Your Sto­ry? Or even bet­ter, could you be ready to Feed any­one Tacos and Tell Them Your Sto­ry? 10K Tacos has a pod­cast about a Taco Truck. Make sure to check it out here. There is also a web­site where you can get taco swag, merch etc. here


Lis­ten to the Last Interview

Job Loss to Boss — The Adventure Startup with Trove Hospitality

pink slip to be your own boss

Wel­come to our newest Series with­in Opt­ing Out! The Adven­ture Start­up! Join us as we speak about How to Start a Busi­ness with Stephanie Ver­heyem. Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, this bold entre­pre­neur went from job loss to boss. In the midst of uncer­tain­ty, this Extra­or­di­nary Entre­pre­neur turned her post pan­dem­ic pink slip into pink par­ties and glass slip­pers. Now, she is becom­ing known around Nashville for her bach­e­lorette par­ties and event plan­ning for vis­i­tors to Music City. Trove Hos­pi­tal­i­ty is a concierge event and trip plan­ning ser­vice is becom­ing quite pop­u­lar. This love­ly lady and her start up has made a big splash! So much so that she has been noticed by an up and com­ing App, Bach! How exciting! 

This time has many inspir­ing entre­pre­neurs want­i­ng to begin their own Adven­ture Star­tups. Well we here love the Start Up com­mu­ni­ty and all that is asso­ci­at­ed, even those sea­soned orga­ni­za­tions that employ the start up cul­ture, there is some­thing so excit­ing about the con­cept and see­ing it in action def­i­nite­ly ener­gizes enthu­si­asts. Do you want to go from job loss to boss? Or just plain start your own thing? Make sure to sign up for our newslet­ter so you will receive updates for new episodes and infor­ma­tion about upcom­ing events and promotions.

See the form to cus­tomize our next event

Stephanie takes us with her on her Adven­ture Start­up so that we may take a look at the ins and outs of devel­op­ing Trove Hos­pi­tal­i­ty. We dis­cuss how to start a busi­ness and go from job loss to boss. So, friends get ready for strat­e­gy around mar­ket­ing, devel­op­ing a Plan and even bold pitch­ing tips!


Trove Social Media Links:









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Opt­ing Out 
Job Loss to Boss — The Adven­ture Start­up with Trove Hospitality

Walking on Water with Confidence

Some people will stay in the boat while others will venture on foot in the sea, walking on water, which one are you?

Identifying, Understanding and Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

Did you know you were made to do great things? No, real­ly, it’s true! It is why we love watch­ing movies about adven­ture. Deep down we want that to be part of our sto­ry. Whether it’s open­ing a local cof­fee shop, trav­el­ing the world as a pod­cast­er, plant­i­ng a church or serv­ing a min­istry or cause in a devel­op­ing coun­try, there are extra­or­di­nary feats that we want to accom­plish. Now, whether we actu­al­ly try to accom­plish them, that is a dif­fer­ent mat­ter alto­geth­er. What stops us from walk­ing on water with con­fi­dence? Think of some­thing that you have always want­ed to do, now think of all the rea­sons you haven’t done it yet. Those rea­sons are often called Self-Lim­it­ing Beliefs. By Iden­ti­fy­ing, Under­stand­ing and Over­com­ing Self-Lim­it­ing Beliefs it makes what we thought to be impos­si­ble, possible.

On anoth­er note, let’s get togeth­er! I want to hear what you think. It’s time to have a work­shop. Vir­tu­al, Hybrid and in per­son. The Dream Big Again—Then Acti­vate Sem­i­nar! How many cours­es, books, con­fer­ences have you attend­ed and loved then found a few months lat­er you felt like you hadn’t made the progress you hoped for? My prayer is to crack that code. To actu­al­ly host events, pro­grams, etc. that have mea­sur­able met­rics of suc­cess and pro­vide roadmaps with short-term wins. Events cus­tomized to your needs. I believe it’s possible! 

Join us and fill out our interest form here:

Pho­to cred­it: https://faith-christian.org/walking-on-water/

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Walk­ing on Water with Confidence

Resurrection Sunday AKA Easter Sunday

AKA Easter

What is Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day? It has been quite some time since we have been able to sit down for church ser­vice in the way I had come to know in my life­time. For many of us, things look a lot dif­fer­ent these days. I remem­ber tak­ing a stroll in down­town Nashville to vis­it a love­ly Methodist church built over 100 years ago and the door were locked! I know I shouldn’t have been sur­prised, but I imag­ined myself des­per­ate­ly bang­ing on the doors yelling “sanc­tu­ary!” wait­ing for some­one from the inside to bring me in from the prover­bial cold. Yes. that is an exag­ger­a­tion, but where can the cold, hun­gry and des­per­ate go when the church doors are closed? Back in the day, it was dur­ing the trag­ic per­son­al and world cir­cum­stances that often drove peo­ple to vis­it their local church.

Pho­to Credit


This East­er or Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day morn­ing I awoke won­der­ing what we were to do. I always love a good Sun­day church ser­vice and our lit­tles were also inter­est­ed in attend­ing church for East­er, although these days for them it means play time. As I prayer walked my room this par­tic­u­lar moment, I felt God build­ing some­thing inside of me, I was sup­posed to do anoth­er pod­cast today! And He, God that is, had it all planned out. The name was going to be “Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day”. Even a guest audio pro­duc­tion spe­cial­ist was will­ing to get it pro­duced and ready for post­ing on the very same day, which is both a hol­i­day and on the week­end. That my sweet friends is a mir­a­cle! And believe you me, EVERYTHING tried to get in the way! If I was run­ning against the clock to deliv­er this pod­cast to the fin­ish line, I had to jump over hun­gry dogs, chil­dren, dodge arrows, and get fan­cy with bob­bing and weav­ing, duck­ing and dodg­ing, as the dis­trac­tions were launched. But here it is! Fresh out of the kitchen!

My very first Sun­day ser­mon teach­ing… unabridged, unscript­ed, com­plete­ly unex­pect­ed, and a true opt out…

*Update* I just found out my new favorite show, The Cho­sen released it’s first episode of sea­son 2 on East­er Sun­day and they have a mirac­u­lous tes­ti­mo­ny and the show is amaz­ing. It’s free using a “Pay it For­ward” approach. I feel a new revival or Great Awak­en­ing com­ing on…

Pro­duced by: Ster­ling Skye Sound — A Spe­cial thanks to this amaz­ing com­pa­ny being part of this miracle! 

Ref­er­enced Pod­casts: Know your Worth; Chris­tian­i­ty & PR

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Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day AKA East­er Sunday

When I Grow Up, Adults Can Still Dream Big

When I Grow Up…

Do you remem­ber get­ting this ques­tion in child­hood as well as answer­ing the ques­tion, “What do you want to be when you grow up? Back in the days of being told that “you can do what­ev­er you put your mind to” and if you can dream it you can do it”, we found our­selves dream­ing of being astro­nauts, rock­et sci­en­tists, fireper­sons, zookeep­ers, Michael Jor­dan, time trav­el­ers and work­ing at the waf­fle house. (Btw, that last one was a real dream of a lit­tle one who loved eat­ing there)

Why should that stop once we are adults? Can we not still do what we dream or dare to think big? It would seem that there is an unspo­ken expec­ta­tion that hap­pens in adult­hood. What once was “reach for the stars”, became “be real­is­tic” or “don’t aim too high”.

What in the world is that!!!!

If we real­ly think about it, we will see how con­tra­dic­to­ry this can be and how can we inspire the com­ing gen­er­a­tions if we lose hope of doing what we love once we become adults?

When I Grow up I want to go to the ISS

So let’s have some fun….

Hel­lo you! What do you want to be when you grow up? Dust off those old goals, dreams and plans and take anoth­er more seri­ous look. You will be sur­prised at what is pos­si­ble. If we have self-dri­ving cars and a guest room in space, cour­tesy of the ISS, then it is def­i­nite­ly pos­si­ble to do what you love dur­ing your life­time. When the Wright broth­ers said they want­ed to find a way for man to fly, I mean I wasn’t there or any­thing, but I imag­ine they were prob­a­bly laughed out of what­ev­er room they were in. Look at us now! Fly­ing around the world is com­mon­place and peo­ple can even go into space!

So what amaz­ing thing excites you? This episode explores some of the ways you can take a dream, or idea, find moti­va­tion, cre­ate a roadmap, get sup­port and begin the jour­ney towards your destination.

Pod­cast Ref: Your Extra­or­di­nary Path Episodes 1, 2 & 3

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Opt­ing Out 
When I Grow Up, Adults Can Still Dream Big

Your Extraordinary Health –Extraordinary Path Part 3

Extraordinary Health Goal: Let us look to a world of feeling better, empowered and ready for Action

I awoke the morn­ing of record­ing this pod­cast think­ing about our health and what it means to have Extra­or­di­nary Health. The health of our fam­i­ly and the jour­ney of my own per­son­al health. I was feel­ing so very thank­ful that the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal and spir­i­tu­al pain of feel­ing unwell was not with me. I remem­bered those days. The days of wait­ing for things to get bet­ter. The tears that came with the heart­break of hop­ing one day things would be bet­ter. It is so easy to for­get past dis­com­fort when things are well and the skies are sun­ny. So, on this par­tic­u­lar day, I was so thank­ful to remem­ber, so that  I could remem­ber to give thanks. One of the best feel­ings I have felt in the world is the feel­ing of relief. When what was ail­ing me was sud­den­ly gone.

heart soul mind strength

Even as  I write this, 

I am remem­ber­ing the many times after being in pain, some­times even writhing in it, when the pain was gone and each moment pass­ing there­after, as the relief set­tled in and the feel­ing of eupho­ria spread. Part by part of my body real­iz­ing it can unclench and release as the dis­com­fort is gone. Pain isn’t always just phys­i­cal, it can be men­tal, emo­tion­al and spir­i­tu­al. It can be all four at the same time. Often­times it isn’t just one of them.

So with all this in mind, I was pray­ing and ask­ing, if there was any­thing that I could do to help those in the world feel bet­ter to know a sense of Extra­or­di­nary Health. To be more capa­ble and stronger, even for one per­son. That God would show me what I could do and give me what I need­ed to do it. I came up with an amaz­ing idea sur­round­ing some sort of virtual/physical expe­ri­ence where peo­ple could under­go trans­for­ma­tion over time. That idea would take some extra resources, but in the mean­time I could do a podcast.

So here we all are, on a jour­ney, adven­ture and mis­sion to feel­ing bet­ter so that we can walk our designed pur­pose on our own Extra­or­di­nary Path. After­all, how can we be ful­filled if we aren’t walk­ing in our pur­pose and how can we walk in our pur­pose if we aren’t feel­ing better?

What would this world be like if every single person everywhere (that leaves out nothing, no place and no one) felt healthy and better in all the ways possible?

Bear­ing in mind, that we can­not depend on anoth­er per­son for our well-being. No human being has the strength to take that on. Becom­ing well starts from the inside and in my expe­ri­ence, no mat­ter what trau­ma I have expe­ri­enced, it was my full trans­paren­cy about who I am and what I had done or expe­ri­enced and my will­ing­ness to sur­ren­der it all to Jesus, trust­ing and know­ing He could make me well, that began my jour­ney to heal­ing. This was not easy, but I have nev­er been alone and you are not alone, no mat­ter how lone­ly things may feel. So my loves, join me in Opt­ing Out of accept­ing unwell­ness and into expect­ing to feel bet­ter via Extra­or­di­nary Health and not stop­ping until we do!

Ref: Extra­or­di­nary Path 1 & 2

Opting Out
Opt­ing Out 
Your Extra­or­di­nary Health –Extra­or­di­nary Path Part 3

Moving Forward, While Resisting Blame Bullies

Whether it’s pot­ty train­ing regres­sion, or unex­pect­ed bad news, it can be dif­fi­cult mov­ing for­ward and to keep going when it feels like, for every step we take for­ward we are tak­ing 5 steps backwards.


I often imag­ine myself as that per­son push­ing a rock up a hill and nev­er quite get­ting to the top, but still push­ing that rock. Even the visu­al is a trap, set up to bring on despair and tempt one to give up the fight to get things back on track. I will some­times hear, “why even try, noth­ing that you do will work”. If I let these thoughts take up too much air space, it’s not long before I am ready to take a nap on the whole sit­u­a­tion or get super frus­trat­ed and begin a pity par­ty of one. The blame bul­lies strike again! Thoughts of self-pity, feel­ings of defeat and blame try to take hold and crash the pos­i­tive par­ty I was try­ing to throw.

Sound Famil­iar?

How did I even get to this angry and sad place?

For me per­son­al­ly, it is when I have trou­ble accept­ing things as they are, but rather I spend my ener­gy try­ing to fig­ure out what went wrong. From there, if it is emo­tion­al­ly dri­ven, it’s a down­wards spi­ral, from who’s to blame, how did I get here, why did­n’t I pay atten­tion, to I should know bet­ter and etc…

None of it helps and what I find is that all the while I am not get­ting any­thing done. The thing in ques­tion is still await­ing fur­ther instruc­tions. What if, instead of get­ting stuck in that loop, I look, ratio­nal­ly, at my options? It is impor­tant for me to take stock of my emo­tions, but I find if I give each it’s own space, I steer clear of, what John Bun­yan in his amaz­ing book, “The Pil­grim’s Progress”, calls, “The Slough of Despond”. A very dread­ful place that is quite dif­fi­cult to get out of. It’s where moti­va­tion spills out.

Moving forward in coaching as well as other areas…

Focus­ing on the goal can be real­ly help­ful in mov­ing for­ward when deal­ing with obsta­cles. If I focus on where I am going rather that what’s stop­ping me, I find that I am more apt to prob­lem solve, rather than get upset and offend­ed at var­i­ous hin­drances. After all, when I think about it, there is noth­ing I can do about the unfore­seen and unex­pect­ed. What I can do is keep my goal in per­spec­tive. Some­times that means I need a good cry at first, but as soon as I get myself togeth­er, then I can look at how excit­ed I will be to get to my des­ti­na­tion and real­ly build towards moti­vat­ing myself to walk the dif­fi­cult, yet reward­ing path ahead. After all, strug­gles over­come, bring amaz­ing tes­ti­monies of faith and encour­age­ment to oth­ers that may be walk­ing the same path. 

Ref Episode: The Extra­or­di­nary Zone — Den­ny Katona

Opting Out
Opt­ing Out 
Mov­ing For­ward, While Resist­ing Blame Bullies

Bad Press, Hot Mess Express!

Did you hear a train whis­tle after you read that title? I sure did! Choo Choooo! 😆

I came to know about Jesus at a very young age. At around 8, one doesn’t under­stand pol­i­tics or the nature of peo­ple. It is more of an inno­cent time where one sees things more as they are and less of the extra that adult­hood can some­times put on things and con­cepts. I didn’t begin to study the bible until my mid 20s and I wasn’t a reg­u­lar atten­der of church until around my ear­ly 30s. What is inter­est­ing is that the more I got around “spir­i­tu­al” peo­ple, the more dif­fi­cult and mud­dled things attempt­ed to become. What I under­stood at 8 up until my mid 20s was sim­ple. I had a per­son­al rela­tion­ship with God through Jesus and He was always help­ing me. Help­ing me do the impos­si­ble, help­ing me through a dif­fi­cult child­hood and help­ing me nav­i­gate my inno­cence as a new adult in a world full of noise and sug­ges­tions. For exam­ple, how did I end up tak­ing  break from col­lege, liv­ing in Berlin with no job, not know­ing where I would stay or any­one in the area and a week lat­er, find that I had a flat, a job and a new friend who was like fam­i­ly? And my orig­i­nal plan was to go to France! I have found myself in a vari­ety of sit­u­a­tions, many of them a mess. What’s amaz­ing is that I nev­er felt judge­ment or con­dem­na­tion from God. Nev­er. If you would like to know the var­i­ous adven­tures and mis­ad­ven­tures, let me know, it gets pret­ty seedy. Con­trary to pop­u­lar opin­ion know­ing God doesn’t mean I am per­fect or that I don’t and can’t par­ty, cel­e­brate and have a blast, it’s actu­al­ly the exact oppo­site. I’m def­i­nite­ly on the hot mess express, cel­e­brat­ing joys along the way and look­ing for my stop!

In each of these sit­u­a­tions, God was always there, remind­ing me He loved me and that He had bet­ter planned for me. He always blessed me and made me feel like His princess. This was the extent of my faith. Then I got more into social sit­u­a­tions where I spoke about my expe­ri­ences, I began to attend church and learn more about the bible. It was amaz­ing learn­ing about the bible and shar­ing my expe­ri­ences and crazy times. What was a sur­prise, was how many peo­ple had been hurt by their church­es and how many peo­ple had ideas about who God is based on hor­ror sto­ries involv­ing hyp­o­crit­i­cal peo­ple in their lives. Because my rela­tion­ship with God was very pri­vate for me at first, mean­ing my edu­ca­tion came direct­ly from God, I hadn’t expe­ri­enced anoth­er per­son with­in my faith yet. I got an ear and eye full of peo­ple upset and hurt at God. Angry at all the nasty and quite force­ful his­tor­i­cal back­ground of Chris­tian­i­ty. As it turns out Jesus has some bad press due to the actions of many who claimed to rep­re­sent Him and His ideas. What if some­one had the gift, abil­i­ty, and had been com­mis­sioned to cre­ate more truth­ful press around who Jesus is and what it is to be Team Jesus. Put your­self in His shoes. What if you had a bunch of peo­ple doing things you didn’t agree with and putting you on blast as the orig­i­na­tor and you weren’t phys­i­cal­ly present to refute the claims and blame? Most peo­ple would hire an advo­cate to speak for them, to set the record straight.

Just some­thing to think about…

Opting Out
Opt­ing Out 
Bad Press, Hot Mess Express!