If It Tastes Bitter, Add Salt

What can we do???

The world seems to be get­ting dark­er and more neg­a­tive. With tech there are even more avenues for neg­a­tiv­i­ty to spread it’s con­ta­gious poi­son. It is so much eas­i­er for the neg­a­tive noise to get past our defens­es and wreak hav­oc on our minds and the minds of those we care about. The mind is both a pow­er­ful and vul­ner­a­ble part of us. How do we strength­en our defens­es, for­ti­fy our­selves and our fam­i­ly and friends?

Our newest pod­cast answers these ques­tions and gives prac­ti­cal tools to be used now to change the tra­jec­to­ry of neg­a­tive talk and dark cloudy atti­tudes that inevitably invade our lives. 

Back­ground audio from “Stream, Water, C.wav”, and “Water­fall, Small, C.wav” by Inspec­torJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org

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If It Tastes Bit­ter, Add Salt