For the entrepreneur inside of us, the budding author and anyone who wants some light! Are you ready to write your story with a Best-Selling Author? I know I am! If you are too, join us as J.M. Buckler, influencer and writer of The Seeker of Time Series, shares her ins, outs, ups and downs. It’s time to get started doing what you love and take charge of your own story!
Ready to write you story? First, is it a Hobby or Your Passion?
Are hobbies, really a thing? What is the definition of a hobby anyway? Better yet, what is your definition of a hobby? If we are willing to spend free time to do what we love, is it really a hobby or uncharted business and money-making territory. Do you Crochet? Maybe you could start a virtual crafting shop. Do you like to run for fun, maybe you could organize a couch to 5k course. Nowadays, there are so many resources literally at our fingertips. With such amazing resources available, what is possible has skyrocketed. The Adventure Startup is now and it’s yours for the taking! Want more ideas? Join our e‑mail list —> and give me an email. I am an idea factory ready to manufacture your Adventure Startup!
This amazing lady has us asking the questions: Are we excited about what we are doing every day? Is there something that sparks our passion where we would spend 14 hours pouring our time into cultivating it? How to train for the resistance that comes with walking your personally designed path? Are you trying to imitate the path of another to find your success? So, friends it time to get ready to write your story. See The Adventure Start Up episode for starting your business.