What Road are You On?

What Road Are You On …. To Pas­ture? …Or is it to Slaughter?

Imag­ine for a moment you could zoom out from your lim­it­ed first per­son view and get an omnipresent point of view, like one you would in Google Maps. From this per­spec­tive you can see where you are now and the des­ti­na­tion. If you were able to see sev­er­al miles ahead what would be the destination?

Would it lead to pas­ture or to slaugh­ter? Often times we don’t always ful­ly real­ize if the path we are on will lead us to where we are want­i­ng to go. Ulti­mate­ly no one wants to go to the slaugh­ter, but nei­ther do the sheep. How can we know if we are on the right path or if we are on the”… way which seemeth right unto a man…” (Proverbs 14:12)

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Opt­ing Out 
What Road are You On?