Miracles Still Happen The Extraordinary Zone– Interview with Joe Defina

The Extraordinary Zone Joe Defina

There is nev­er a place so dark that light can­not pierce through. In fact, what hap­pens to us as chil­dren can be healed, if we are will­ing. And did you know that mir­a­cles still hap­pen every moment? If you don’t believe me, I encour­age you to lis­ten to this true sto­ry about Joe Defi­na and his jour­ney from Tragedy to Faith. Yes friend, you heard me right. At a con­fer­ence, I heard some­one say, 

If you want to see that miracles still happen, look in the mirror.” Let’s take a moment to let that sink in, we will wait…

Often times, even with belief that mir­a­cles can hap­pen, they can go unno­ticed if we aren’t care­ful. So, join us as we inter­view this extra­or­di­nary gen­tle­man. His amaz­ing sto­ry of heal­ing through faith, humil­i­ty and neigh­bor­ly love is absolute­ly amaz­ing. Also, it is filled with the mirac­u­lous. We aren’t meant to be iso­lat­ed. So, when we join togeth­er in love to pro­mote heal­ing, the super­nat­ur­al always hap­pens. Then, empow­er­ment flows out abun­dant­ly to any­one will­ing to receive it. Some­times we need the reminder that mir­a­cles still hap­pen. Get ready to be empow­ered and inspired to step into your very own Extra­or­di­nary Zone. Let’s be inspired by Joe Defi­na through his life’s jour­ney full of hurts, recov­ery and ulti­mate­ly a call­ing to speak and encourage. 

*Note: There are many min­istries to help with trau­ma faced by chil­dren see one here

Ref­er­ence Episode: Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day AkA East­er Sun­day

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Mir­a­cles Still Hap­pen The Extra­or­di­nary Zone– Inter­view with Joe Defina