What Road Are You On …. To Pasture? …Or is it to Slaughter?
Imagine for a moment you could zoom out from your limited first person view and get an omnipresent point of view, like one you would in Google Maps. From this perspective you can see where you are now and the destination. If you were able to see several miles ahead what would be the destination?
Would it lead to pasture or to slaughter? Often times we don’t always fully realize if the path we are on will lead us to where we are wanting to go. Ultimately no one wants to go to the slaughter, but neither do the sheep. How can we know if we are on the right path or if we are on the”… way which seemeth right unto a man…” (Proverbs 14:12)
Do you hide or keep your success and good news to yourself?
Do you fully celebrate and bask in the joy of your hard work?
If you find that you shine a little less bright to make sure others don’t feel bad in the event of your success it’s time to come out and shine friend. Go up to that attic and collect those success boxes covered in cobwebs and dust and let it all out. I totally give you permission to have a blow out retroactive success party. Make sure to send me an invite. ❤
You may ask: “where is my path to success?” It is overgrown and covered by hurts, hang-ups and patterns; by negative thinking and societal influencers. We must clear away the overgrown weeds, thorns and brush if we are to uncover and expose our beautifully and personally designed path. It is just waiting for us to set foot on it and take the first step.
Step one, Dream Big and unapologetically.
Background audio from “Stream, Water, C.wav”, and “Waterfall, Small, C.wav” by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
The world seems to be getting darker and more negative. With tech there are even more avenues for negativity to spread it’s contagious poison. It is so much easier for the negative noise to get past our defenses and wreak havoc on our minds and the minds of those we care about. The mind is both a powerful and vulnerable part of us. How do we strengthen our defenses, fortify ourselves and our family and friends?
Our newest podcast answers these questions and gives practical tools to be used now to change the trajectory of negative talk and dark cloudy attitudes that inevitably invade our lives.
Background audio from “Stream, Water, C.wav”, and
“Waterfall, Small, C.wav” by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
It’s good to take note of your current relationships. Do they bring nourishment or do they bring toxicity? One can bring you into fulfillment, the other can drain you terribly. This episode asks the question: how does this apply to you?
James came by to help us test out our equipment, and it turned into an amazing story about transitioning from the military, achieving your goals, and giving back.
Part one of the interview with James
Opting Out
The Extraordinary Zone — Interview With Musician and US Marine James Fosler
For the entrepreneur inside of us, the budding author and anyone who wants some light! Are you ready to write your story with a Best-Selling Author? I know I am! If you are too, join us as J.M. Buckler, influencer and writer of The Seeker of Time Series, shares her ins, outs, ups and downs. It’s time to get started doing what you love and take charge of your own story!
Ready to write you story? First, is it a Hobby or Your Passion?
Are hobbies, really a thing? What is the definition of a hobby anyway? Better yet, what is your definition of a hobby? If we are willing to spend free time to do what we love, is it really a hobby or uncharted business and money-making territory. Do you Crochet? Maybe you could start a virtual crafting shop. Do you like to run for fun, maybe you could organize a couch to 5k course. Nowadays, there are so many resources literally at our fingertips. With such amazing resources available, what is possible has skyrocketed. The Adventure Startup is now and it’s yours for the taking! Want more ideas? Join our e‑mail list —> and give me an email. I am an idea factory ready to manufacture your Adventure Startup!
This amazing lady has us asking the questions: Are we excited about what we are doing every day? Is there something that sparks our passion where we would spend 14 hours pouring our time into cultivating it? How to train for the resistance that comes with walking your personally designed path? Are you trying to imitate the path of another to find your success? So, friends it time to get ready to write your story. See The Adventure Start Up episode for starting your business.
Opting Out
Ready to Write your Story with a Best-Selling Author ‑The Extraordinary Zone with J.M. Buckler