What Road are You On?

What Road Are You On …. To Pas­ture? …Or is it to Slaughter?

Imag­ine for a moment you could zoom out from your lim­it­ed first per­son view and get an omnipresent point of view, like one you would in Google Maps. From this per­spec­tive you can see where you are now and the des­ti­na­tion. If you were able to see sev­er­al miles ahead what would be the destination?

Would it lead to pas­ture or to slaugh­ter? Often times we don’t always ful­ly real­ize if the path we are on will lead us to where we are want­i­ng to go. Ulti­mate­ly no one wants to go to the slaugh­ter, but nei­ther do the sheep. How can we know if we are on the right path or if we are on the”… way which seemeth right unto a man…” (Proverbs 14:12)

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What Road are You On?

Don’t Bury Your Treasure

Do you hide or keep your suc­cess and good news to your­self? Do you ful­ly cel­e­brate and bask in the joy of your hard work?

If you find that you shine a lit­tle less bright to make sure oth­ers don’t feel bad in the event of your suc­cess it’s time to come out and shine friend. Go up to that attic and col­lect those suc­cess box­es cov­ered in cob­webs and dust and let it all out. I total­ly give you per­mis­sion to have a blow out retroac­tive suc­cess par­ty. Make sure to send me an invite. ❤ 

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Don’t Bury Your Treasure

…and I am Dancing With Myself

Friend or Fren­e­my? This pod­cast puts that lit­tle voice in your head on trial.

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…and I am Danc­ing With Myself

Your Extraordinary Path — Part 1

Dream Big and Unapologetically 

You may ask: “where is my path to suc­cess?” It is over­grown and cov­ered by hurts, hang-ups and pat­terns; by neg­a­tive think­ing and soci­etal influ­encers. We must clear away the over­grown weeds, thorns and brush if we are to uncov­er and expose our beau­ti­ful­ly and per­son­al­ly designed path. It is just wait­ing for us to set foot on it and take the first step.

Step one, Dream Big and unapologetically.

Back­ground audio from “Stream, Water, C.wav”, and “Water­fall, Small, C.wav” by Inspec­torJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org

Cov­er image “Reach for the Moon” by Kuroko­riOka­mi

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Your Extra­or­di­nary Path — Part 1

If It Tastes Bitter, Add Salt

What can we do???

The world seems to be get­ting dark­er and more neg­a­tive. With tech there are even more avenues for neg­a­tiv­i­ty to spread it’s con­ta­gious poi­son. It is so much eas­i­er for the neg­a­tive noise to get past our defens­es and wreak hav­oc on our minds and the minds of those we care about. The mind is both a pow­er­ful and vul­ner­a­ble part of us. How do we strength­en our defens­es, for­ti­fy our­selves and our fam­i­ly and friends?

Our newest pod­cast answers these ques­tions and gives prac­ti­cal tools to be used now to change the tra­jec­to­ry of neg­a­tive talk and dark cloudy atti­tudes that inevitably invade our lives. 

Back­ground audio from “Stream, Water, C.wav”, and “Water­fall, Small, C.wav” by Inspec­torJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org

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If It Tastes Bit­ter, Add Salt

Nourishing Relationships

It’s good to take note of your cur­rent rela­tion­ships. Do they bring nour­ish­ment or do they bring tox­i­c­i­ty? One can bring you into ful­fill­ment, the oth­er can drain you ter­ri­bly. This episode asks the ques­tion: how does this apply to you?

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Nour­ish­ing Relationships

The Extraordinary Zone — Interview With Musician and US Marine James Fosler

James came by to help us test out our equip­ment, and it turned into an amaz­ing sto­ry about tran­si­tion­ing from the mil­i­tary, achiev­ing your goals, and giv­ing back.

Part one of the inter­view with James
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The Extra­or­di­nary Zone — Inter­view With Musi­cian and US Marine James Fosler

Ready to Write your Story with a Best-Selling Author ‑The Extraordinary Zone with J.M. Buckler

For the entre­pre­neur inside of us, the bud­ding author and any­one who wants some light! Are you ready to write your sto­ry with a Best-Sell­ing Author? I know I am! If you are too, join us as J.M. Buck­ler, influ­encer and writer of The Seek­er of Time Series, shares her ins, outs, ups and downs. It’s time to get start­ed doing what you love and take charge of your own story!

Ready to write you story? First, is it a Hobby or Your Passion?

Are hob­bies, real­ly a thing? What is the def­i­n­i­tion of a hob­by any­way? Bet­ter yet, what is your def­i­n­i­tion of a hob­by? If we are will­ing to spend free time to do what we love, is it real­ly a hob­by or unchart­ed busi­ness and mon­ey-mak­ing ter­ri­to­ry. Do you Cro­chet? Maybe you could start a vir­tu­al craft­ing shop. Do you like to run for fun, maybe you could orga­nize a couch to 5k course. Nowa­days, there are so many resources lit­er­al­ly at our fin­ger­tips. With such amaz­ing resources avail­able, what is pos­si­ble has sky­rock­et­ed. The Adven­ture Start­up is now and it’s yours for the tak­ing! Want more ideas? Join our e‑mail list —> and give me an email. I am an idea fac­to­ry ready to man­u­fac­ture your Adven­ture Startup!

This amaz­ing lady has us ask­ing the ques­tions: Are we excit­ed about what we are doing every day? Is there some­thing that sparks our pas­sion where we would spend 14 hours pour­ing our time into cul­ti­vat­ing it? How to train for the resis­tance that comes with walk­ing your per­son­al­ly designed path? Are you try­ing to imi­tate the path of anoth­er to find your suc­cess? So, friends it time to get ready to write your sto­ry. See The Adven­ture Start Up episode for start­ing your busi­ness.

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Ready to Write your Sto­ry with a Best-Sell­ing Author ‑The Extra­or­di­nary Zone with J.M. Buckler

Get Excited About the Moon!

Back­ground audio from “Stream, Water, C.wav”, and
“Water­fall, Small, C.wav” by Inspec­torJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org

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Get Excit­ed About the Moon!