Did you hear a train whisÂtle after you read that title? I sure did! Choo Choooo! đ
I came to know about Jesus at a very young age. At around 8, one doesnât underÂstand polÂiÂtics or the nature of peoÂple. It is more of an innoÂcent time where one sees things more as they are and less of the extra that adultÂhood can someÂtimes put on things and conÂcepts. I didnât begin to study the bible until my mid 20s and I wasnât a regÂuÂlar attenÂder of church until around my earÂly 30s. What is interÂestÂing is that the more I got around âspirÂiÂtuÂalâ peoÂple, the more difÂfiÂcult and mudÂdled things attemptÂed to become. What I underÂstood at 8 up until my mid 20s was simÂple. I had a perÂsonÂal relaÂtionÂship with God through Jesus and He was always helpÂing me. HelpÂing me do the imposÂsiÂble, helpÂing me through a difÂfiÂcult childÂhood and helpÂing me navÂiÂgate my innoÂcence as a new adult in a world full of noise and sugÂgesÂtions. For examÂple, how did I end up takÂing break from colÂlege, livÂing in Berlin with no job, not knowÂing where I would stay or anyÂone in the area and a week latÂer, find that I had a flat, a job and a new friend who was like famÂiÂly? And my origÂiÂnal plan was to go to France! I have found myself in a variÂety of sitÂuÂaÂtions, many of them a mess. Whatâs amazÂing is that I nevÂer felt judgeÂment or conÂdemÂnaÂtion from God. NevÂer. If you would like to know the varÂiÂous advenÂtures and misÂadÂvenÂtures, let me know, it gets pretÂty seedy. ConÂtrary to popÂuÂlar opinÂion knowÂing God doesnât mean I am perÂfect or that I donât and canât parÂty, celÂeÂbrate and have a blast, itâs actuÂalÂly the exact oppoÂsite. Iâm defÂiÂniteÂly on the hot mess express, celÂeÂbratÂing joys along the way and lookÂing for my stop!

In each of these sitÂuÂaÂtions, God was always there, remindÂing me He loved me and that He had betÂter planned for me. He always blessed me and made me feel like His princess. This was the extent of my faith. Then I got more into social sitÂuÂaÂtions where I spoke about my expeÂriÂences, I began to attend church and learn more about the bible. It was amazÂing learnÂing about the bible and sharÂing my expeÂriÂences and crazy times. What was a surÂprise, was how many peoÂple had been hurt by their churchÂes and how many peoÂple had ideas about who God is based on horÂror stoÂries involvÂing hypÂoÂcritÂiÂcal peoÂple in their lives. Because my relaÂtionÂship with God was very priÂvate for me at first, meanÂing my eduÂcaÂtion came directÂly from God, I hadnât expeÂriÂenced anothÂer perÂson withÂin my faith yet. I got an ear and eye full of peoÂple upset and hurt at God. Angry at all the nasty and quite forceÂful hisÂtorÂiÂcal backÂground of ChrisÂtianÂiÂty. As it turns out Jesus has some bad press due to the actions of many who claimed to repÂreÂsent Him and His ideas. What if someÂone had the gift, abilÂiÂty, and had been comÂmisÂsioned to creÂate more truthÂful press around who Jesus is and what it is to be Team Jesus. Put yourÂself in His shoes. What if you had a bunch of peoÂple doing things you didnât agree with and putting you on blast as the origÂiÂnaÂtor and you werenât physÂiÂcalÂly present to refute the claims and blame? Most peoÂple would hire an advoÂcate to speak for them, to set the record straight.
Just someÂthing to think aboutâŚ