So we have heard and/or seen that we are Extraordinary with our ears, (if you haven’t, see Part I). If you are here and if you are reading this, you are, you were made specifically and intentionally. as Derek Prince says, you are not some accident waiting to happen somewhere. But did we know that we are of Extraordinary Value too?
But do we believe it?
Has your personal view of your value, Your Extraordinary Value increased yet?
Sometimes to really experience something and to believe it, it takes a 360 degree view through all the available senses where amazingly, some senses can be more heightened than others, (another appearance of the extraordinary in us). In this we talk about some of the other senses, along with our hearts, minds, strength and soul. I encourage you to listen with your senses heightened and ready, it’s high time you know your Extraordinary Value.
Did you hear about the parable of the “Pearl of Great Price”? Matthew 13:45–46. It is a lovely account of what someone will do for something they find that is worth more than the sum of everything they own. What if we saw ourselves as that pearl? What if someone thought we were so valuable that they were willing to go broke to be with us or help us? It’s a beautiful thought. What is value? It is the measure of what someone is willing to pay or sacrifice for something.
Something amazing is about to happen…
Bonus Question for after the Podcast: How does your fruit taste? Bitter, Sweet or Rotten? More on this later…
Reference Episodes: Extraordinary Path Part 1 & Extraordinary Path Part 3
photo credit: LOTR