Village Built

We were always meant to be in com­mu­ni­ty with each oth­er. Tech­nol­o­gy and cur­rent cli­mate tends to find us more sep­a­rat­ed from each oth­er. We don’t want to bur­den each oth­er or we are afraid of some­one out­side our vul­ner­a­ble zone see­ing “our mess”. It makes for silos and struggles. 

What would hap­pen if we invit­ed some­one to sup­port us in an area they are strong in, rather than engag­ing some­one who may lack the expe­ri­ence? What if you told a suc­cess­ful musi­cian you aspired to be a musi­cian rather than dis­cussing it with one who is genius at com­put­er programming? 

Opting Out
Opt­ing Out 
Vil­lage Built