Moving Toward Your Destination

Adven­ture Awaits…

Who doesn’t love the idea of an adven­ture? Don’t wor­ry, the thought is sup­posed cre­ate a lit­tle trep­i­da­tion. It is part of the process. Most amaz­ing things will stretch us and stretch­ing beyond our lim­its comes with pain. But the pain means we are get­ting stronger and soon it sub­sides, just as when we build muscles.

What thing is call­ing you? What is your cur­rent, “X marks  the spot”? We all have buried trea­sure, it just takes some dig­ging and cre­ativ­i­ty to find it. What thing comes to your mind that the idea of you doing it caus­es your heart to skip a beat? Both our of hes­i­ta­tion and excite­ment? If you don’t know, don’t wor­ry, the tim­ing for the extra­or­di­nary is always per­fect, because our cre­ator has per­fect timing.

Anchors Away & Bön Voyage!

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Mov­ing Toward Your Destination