Extraordinary Health Goal: Let us look to a world of feeling better, empowered and ready for Action
I awoke the morning of recording this podcast thinking about our health and what it means to have Extraordinary Health. The health of our family and the journey of my own personal health. I was feeling so very thankful that the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain of feeling unwell was not with me. I remembered those days. The days of waiting for things to get better. The tears that came with the heartbreak of hoping one day things would be better. It is so easy to forget past discomfort when things are well and the skies are sunny. So, on this particular day, I was so thankful to remember, so that I could remember to give thanks. One of the best feelings I have felt in the world is the feeling of relief. When what was ailing me was suddenly gone.

Even as I write this,
I am remembering the many times after being in pain, sometimes even writhing in it, when the pain was gone and each moment passing thereafter, as the relief settled in and the feeling of euphoria spread. Part by part of my body realizing it can unclench and release as the discomfort is gone. Pain isn’t always just physical, it can be mental, emotional and spiritual. It can be all four at the same time. Oftentimes it isn’t just one of them.
So with all this in mind, I was praying and asking, if there was anything that I could do to help those in the world feel better to know a sense of Extraordinary Health. To be more capable and stronger, even for one person. That God would show me what I could do and give me what I needed to do it. I came up with an amazing idea surrounding some sort of virtual/physical experience where people could undergo transformation over time. That idea would take some extra resources, but in the meantime I could do a podcast.
So here we all are, on a journey, adventure and mission to feeling better so that we can walk our designed purpose on our own Extraordinary Path. Afterall, how can we be fulfilled if we aren’t walking in our purpose and how can we walk in our purpose if we aren’t feeling better?
What would this world be like if every single person everywhere (that leaves out nothing, no place and no one) felt healthy and better in all the ways possible?
Bearing in mind, that we cannot depend on another person for our well-being. No human being has the strength to take that on. Becoming well starts from the inside and in my experience, no matter what trauma I have experienced, it was my full transparency about who I am and what I had done or experienced and my willingness to surrender it all to Jesus, trusting and knowing He could make me well, that began my journey to healing. This was not easy, but I have never been alone and you are not alone, no matter how lonely things may feel. So my loves, join me in Opting Out of accepting unwellness and into expecting to feel better via Extraordinary Health and not stopping until we do!
Ref: Extraordinary Path 1 & 2