When I Grow Up, Adults Can Still Dream Big

When I Grow Up…

Do you remem­ber get­ting this ques­tion in child­hood as well as answer­ing the ques­tion, “What do you want to be when you grow up? Back in the days of being told that “you can do what­ev­er you put your mind to” and if you can dream it you can do it”, we found our­selves dream­ing of being astro­nauts, rock­et sci­en­tists, fireper­sons, zookeep­ers, Michael Jor­dan, time trav­el­ers and work­ing at the waf­fle house. (Btw, that last one was a real dream of a lit­tle one who loved eat­ing there)

Why should that stop once we are adults? Can we not still do what we dream or dare to think big? It would seem that there is an unspo­ken expec­ta­tion that hap­pens in adult­hood. What once was “reach for the stars”, became “be real­is­tic” or “don’t aim too high”.

What in the world is that!!!!

If we real­ly think about it, we will see how con­tra­dic­to­ry this can be and how can we inspire the com­ing gen­er­a­tions if we lose hope of doing what we love once we become adults?

When I Grow up I want to go to the ISS

So let’s have some fun….

Hel­lo you! What do you want to be when you grow up? Dust off those old goals, dreams and plans and take anoth­er more seri­ous look. You will be sur­prised at what is pos­si­ble. If we have self-dri­ving cars and a guest room in space, cour­tesy of the ISS, then it is def­i­nite­ly pos­si­ble to do what you love dur­ing your life­time. When the Wright broth­ers said they want­ed to find a way for man to fly, I mean I wasn’t there or any­thing, but I imag­ine they were prob­a­bly laughed out of what­ev­er room they were in. Look at us now! Fly­ing around the world is com­mon­place and peo­ple can even go into space!

So what amaz­ing thing excites you? This episode explores some of the ways you can take a dream, or idea, find moti­va­tion, cre­ate a roadmap, get sup­port and begin the jour­ney towards your destination.

Pod­cast Ref: Your Extra­or­di­nary Path Episodes 1, 2 & 3

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When I Grow Up, Adults Can Still Dream Big