What is Extraordinary Love Sweet friends?
Without the dinner but in a “My Dinner With Andre” style, the talented Mr Jefferson Moore agreed to sit down with me to speak about his movies, his vision, and who he is. Spoiler Alert* he is shy. His words not mine, I would have never guessed that, even as we had this amazing interview. I was like really?!
How did this come to pass?
I was watching my fav Jefferson Moore movie one night when I needed some encouragement and I got one of my bright ideas. I am going to email a perfect stranger after watching his move “The Perfect Stranger” and invite him to be a guest on the Opting Out Podcast. It was 2am, I thought that I had better wait until it was a more reasonable hour and try then. Well this amazing gentleman and I mean every sense of that word, kindly agreed to do the interview and here we are.
Who is the Perfect Stranger & What Does it have to do with Extraordinary Love?
Although I don’t go into much detail about the movie in this podcast, I highly recommend you check it out. There is something about Jesus movies that draws everyone in, critics and followers both. He IS the embodiment of Extraordinary Love. For better or worse I believe most if not all would want an audience with their creator and license to ask whatever they want The Good The Bad & The Ugly.
What would you ask? This movie, its sequels and the episodes of the series do not pull any punches. They ask the hard questions and put Jesus in the hot seat. From an atheist professor, (This was waaay before “God’s not Dead” Folks) to a politician with a secret to a high school girl who was taken advantage of. The questions and themes touch on the things we have all wondered while experiencing a broken world.

Don’t you love someone who shares the love just as generously as they receive it?! Our guest had some great things to say about other artists, like Dallas Jenkins and The Chosen, the new kid on the block, (The Chosen, not Dallas. Dallas has been around a while) The Chosen is another show that hits close to home, which is why I also love it. But when it comes to the, what would it be like to meet Jesus in person, films and series’, my heart belongs to “The Perfect Stranger”. If you can’t hear me, I am doing the *sigh*. Yes Y’All that dreamy I am in love sigh. 2 words Extraordinary Love.
Jesus is amazing and Kelly’s Filmworks Studios does a great job of showing just how much we are all loved and cared for individually and specially. And that is what we all want, isn’t it? To be special to someone who truly knows us and appreciates us.
Real Talk,

I was crying during all the movies and episodes of the series. Beyond that, it’s great cinema! If you look up Mr. Moore’s socials (FB, IG YouTube) you will see the sea of comments with excited buzz for more movies and now that I am following them on Facebook, I will be one of them!
Interested in acting or making a movie, Jefferson also shares his story of how The Perfect Stranger came to be. It’s a miraculous story you guys that begins with the best selling author, David Gregory. So get comfy, it’s a long interview, but, hey that’s what podcast apps are for! You can start and stop as necessary and still hear exactly what you need in God’s Perfect Timing. So what will “speak” to you today? Let us know in the comments here or in our socials. Love You and You ARE EXTRAORDINARILY LOVED! —And in case you forgot, listen to Your Path , Your Value , & Your Health for a reminder.