The Extraordinary Zone — Interview with The Vintage Girls

Quality time and Cute Kitsch during Quarantine with the Vintage Girls

What start­ed out as an idea for a typ­i­cal garage sale trans­formed into any­thing but typ­i­cal as 5 girls, who are also stu­dents and baris­tas at an amaz­ing cof­fee shop in Hol­lis­ter, MO, “acci­den­tal­ly” on pur­pose dis­cov­ered their entre­pre­neur­ial edge. These ladies orga­nized and set up #Sip­N­Shop­Co, a unique busi­ness idea that pro­motes com­mu­ni­ty and sup­ports a local com­mu­ni­ty cen­tered business.

The #vin­tage­girls began vir­tu­al­ly to adjust to the city shut­down with adorable wrapped care pack­ages, deliv­ered with sweet notes and coupons for Vin­tage Paris to bring encour­age­ment dur­ing the unex­pect­ed times to the weary. You can find them and their amaz­ing line of cloth­ing and items on Insta­gram or in per­son dur­ing one of their sched­uled pop up events at #Vin­tageParis.

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The Extra­or­di­nary Zone — Inter­view with The Vin­tage Girls