Has Jesus become a Four Letter Word ?!


It’s so inter­est­ing when I hear peo­ple who would have noth­ing to do with Jesus speak His name in frus­tra­tion or as an excla­ma­tion, like Jesus is a Four Let­ter Word, one of those Four Let­ter Words. In the media I have heard so many ren­di­tions of its uses. One thing I do wonder…


Could I go on national Television and say “Jesus loves you”? Would it be allowed? Would I be “beeped”?

I was watch­ing a cur­rent series of a show that began in the 60s.
This show since its cre­ation has had many fol­low up series and movies over the decades that fol­lowed and they had just began a new one. I had always seen the show as some­what whole­some. This show aired in one of the basic net­work chan­nels. As I was watch­ing one the char­ac­ters, who was por­trayed as a bit inno­cent and sweet blurt­ed the f bomb


I was like, wait whoa, when did I turn to a net­work chan­nel? And what I will say is it was stream­ing on a ser­vice, so it’s pos­si­ble this did not air direct­ly on tele­vi­sion but it was def­i­nite­ly unex­pect­ed. It seems as time has passed what wasn’t okay is start­ing to be more okay slow­ly over time. I am won­der­ing what media will look like 50 years from now. Think of what is was like 50 years back?

It’s so curi­ous to me that while some con­cepts and words are becom­ing more accept­able with­in the media, oth­ers have been slow­ly removed or maybe even banned. There was a time when shows spoke about God and the faith of a fam­i­ly on net­work tele­vi­sion, but they seem more far and few between as time goes on.

Has Jesus been cen­sured????? Is He now a four let­ter word????

Ref­er­ence Episodes: Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day AkA East­er Sun­day

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Has Jesus become a Four Let­ter Word ?!

The Extraordinary Zone — Interview with The Vintage Girls

Quality time and Cute Kitsch during Quarantine with the Vintage Girls

What start­ed out as an idea for a typ­i­cal garage sale trans­formed into any­thing but typ­i­cal as 5 girls, who are also stu­dents and baris­tas at an amaz­ing cof­fee shop in Hol­lis­ter, MO, “acci­den­tal­ly” on pur­pose dis­cov­ered their entre­pre­neur­ial edge. These ladies orga­nized and set up #Sip­N­Shop­Co, a unique busi­ness idea that pro­motes com­mu­ni­ty and sup­ports a local com­mu­ni­ty cen­tered business.

The #vin­tage­girls began vir­tu­al­ly to adjust to the city shut­down with adorable wrapped care pack­ages, deliv­ered with sweet notes and coupons for Vin­tage Paris to bring encour­age­ment dur­ing the unex­pect­ed times to the weary. You can find them and their amaz­ing line of cloth­ing and items on Insta­gram or in per­son dur­ing one of their sched­uled pop up events at #Vin­tageParis.

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The Extra­or­di­nary Zone — Inter­view with The Vin­tage Girls

WHAT ARE WE MISSING?! Encouragement for Caregivers, Guardians, and Parents of Children


Sit back and relax to the pleas­ant sounds of chil­dren, pups and bounc­ing balls, as I bat­tle through the strug­gle of chil­dren physics which, btw, seems to defy reg­u­lar physics. Why?! Arg!!! What are we missing?!

Dragons are real and the game is rigged! So, Opt Out! That is what we are missing!

There­fore, it feels like we can spend hours, days and years putting care­ful­ly placed, pro­tec­tive spir­i­tu­al armor and tech­no­log­i­cal­ly sound, equip­ping mate­ri­als on their lit­tle bod­ies. Then, they go to the play­ground and in like 5 sec­onds the armor just dis­in­te­grates like a para­chute filled with pots and pans instead of the para­chute you pur­chased. Also, that YouTube video you didn’t play that pops up out of nowhere teach­ing them the wrong thing that seems to be burned in their mem­o­ry after see­ing it just for *a sec­ond* as you face dive for the remote to change it. So at this point, they are sit­ting ducks wait­ing to be picked off ready to bring all those new­ly learned bad habits home to their younger sib­lings who then stage a mutiny!

They know we are out numbered!

Why?! What am I miss­ing?!!! Maybe we can fig­ure this out together…

Ref­er­ence Episode: Get Excit­ed about the Moon , Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day AkA East­er Sunday

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WHAT ARE WE MISSING?! Encour­age­ment for Care­givers, Guardians, and Par­ents of Children

Miracles Still Happen The Extraordinary Zone– Interview with Joe Defina

The Extraordinary Zone Joe Defina

There is nev­er a place so dark that light can­not pierce through. In fact, what hap­pens to us as chil­dren can be healed, if we are will­ing. And did you know that mir­a­cles still hap­pen every moment? If you don’t believe me, I encour­age you to lis­ten to this true sto­ry about Joe Defi­na and his jour­ney from Tragedy to Faith. Yes friend, you heard me right. At a con­fer­ence, I heard some­one say, 

If you want to see that miracles still happen, look in the mirror.” Let’s take a moment to let that sink in, we will wait…

Often times, even with belief that mir­a­cles can hap­pen, they can go unno­ticed if we aren’t care­ful. So, join us as we inter­view this extra­or­di­nary gen­tle­man. His amaz­ing sto­ry of heal­ing through faith, humil­i­ty and neigh­bor­ly love is absolute­ly amaz­ing. Also, it is filled with the mirac­u­lous. We aren’t meant to be iso­lat­ed. So, when we join togeth­er in love to pro­mote heal­ing, the super­nat­ur­al always hap­pens. Then, empow­er­ment flows out abun­dant­ly to any­one will­ing to receive it. Some­times we need the reminder that mir­a­cles still hap­pen. Get ready to be empow­ered and inspired to step into your very own Extra­or­di­nary Zone. Let’s be inspired by Joe Defi­na through his life’s jour­ney full of hurts, recov­ery and ulti­mate­ly a call­ing to speak and encourage. 

*Note: There are many min­istries to help with trau­ma faced by chil­dren see one here

Ref­er­ence Episode: Res­ur­rec­tion Sun­day AkA East­er Sun­day

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Mir­a­cles Still Hap­pen The Extra­or­di­nary Zone– Inter­view with Joe Defina

Village Built

We were always meant to be in com­mu­ni­ty with each oth­er. Tech­nol­o­gy and cur­rent cli­mate tends to find us more sep­a­rat­ed from each oth­er. We don’t want to bur­den each oth­er or we are afraid of some­one out­side our vul­ner­a­ble zone see­ing “our mess”. It makes for silos and struggles. 

What would hap­pen if we invit­ed some­one to sup­port us in an area they are strong in, rather than engag­ing some­one who may lack the expe­ri­ence? What if you told a suc­cess­ful musi­cian you aspired to be a musi­cian rather than dis­cussing it with one who is genius at com­put­er programming? 

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Vil­lage Built

Opting Out Recap — Czettys On the Road

Hey, what are you up to?
Are you crazy?

Yes, we are crazy…

The world will think you are crazy any­time you “Opt Out” of what is con­sid­ered the norm. It’s out­side of the com­fort zone and will gen­er­ate resis­tance. Think of any time some­one set out to change things. Think about all the his­to­ry around all men and women being treat­ed equally.

You did what??? How are you guys able to do that???? These are just some of the ques­tions we have heard as we embarked on our mobile adven­tures 5 months ago. In this pod­cast I go back to where it all began, the con­densed ver­sion, and catch up to today. Get a clos­er look into our crazy. Also look for an inter­view with me by a fel­low pod­cast­er and adven­tur­er some­time lat­er this month.

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Opt­ing Out Recap — Czettys On the Road

Moving Toward Your Destination

Adven­ture Awaits…

Who doesn’t love the idea of an adven­ture? Don’t wor­ry, the thought is sup­posed cre­ate a lit­tle trep­i­da­tion. It is part of the process. Most amaz­ing things will stretch us and stretch­ing beyond our lim­its comes with pain. But the pain means we are get­ting stronger and soon it sub­sides, just as when we build muscles.

What thing is call­ing you? What is your cur­rent, “X marks  the spot”? We all have buried trea­sure, it just takes some dig­ging and cre­ativ­i­ty to find it. What thing comes to your mind that the idea of you doing it caus­es your heart to skip a beat? Both our of hes­i­ta­tion and excite­ment? If you don’t know, don’t wor­ry, the tim­ing for the extra­or­di­nary is always per­fect, because our cre­ator has per­fect timing.

Anchors Away & Bön Voyage!

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Mov­ing Toward Your Destination

Your Extraordinary Value– Extraordinary Path Part 2

Extraordinary Value & One Ring to Rule them All

So we have heard and/or seen that we are Extra­or­di­nary with our ears, (if you haven’t, see Part I). If you are here and if you are read­ing this, you are, you were made specif­i­cal­ly and inten­tion­al­ly. as Derek Prince says, you are not some acci­dent wait­ing to hap­pen some­where. But did we know that we are of Extra­or­di­nary Val­ue too?

But do we believe it? 

Has your per­son­al view of your val­ue, Your Extra­or­di­nary Val­ue increased yet?

Some­times to real­ly expe­ri­ence some­thing and to believe it, it takes a 360 degree view  through all the avail­able sens­es where amaz­ing­ly, some sens­es can be more height­ened than oth­ers, (anoth­er appear­ance of the extra­or­di­nary in us). In this we talk about some of the oth­er sens­es, along with our hearts, minds, strength and soul. I encour­age you to lis­ten with your sens­es height­ened and ready, it’s high time you know your Extra­or­di­nary Value.

Did you hear about the para­ble of the “Pearl of Great Price”? Matthew 13:45–46. It is a love­ly account of what some­one will do for some­thing they find that is worth more than the sum of every­thing they own. What if we saw our­selves as that pearl? What if some­one thought we were so valu­able that they were will­ing to go broke to be with us or help us? It’s a beau­ti­ful thought. What is val­ue? It is the mea­sure of what some­one is will­ing to pay or sac­ri­fice for something.

Some­thing amaz­ing is about to happen…

Bonus Ques­tion for after the Pod­cast: How does your fruit taste? Bit­ter, Sweet or Rot­ten? More on this later…

Ref­er­ence Episodes: Extra­or­di­nary Path Part 1 & Extra­or­di­nary Path Part 3

pho­to cred­it: LOTR

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Your Extra­or­di­nary Val­ue– Extra­or­di­nary Path Part 2

And the knife ran away with the spoon…

A short share dur­ing my “Dad­dy Daugh­ter Day” Princess Expe­ri­ence. More about DD Day com­ing soon… 

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And the knife ran away with the spoon…

Extraordinary Zone — Interview With Denny Katona

Some­times tran­si­tion can be dif­fi­cult. Often times when we ded­i­cate our­selves ful­ly for a while, we can lose sight of our iden­ti­ty. Maybe we nev­er real­ly knew it in the first place. For many vet­er­ans, it can be a strug­gle find­ing their pur­pose as they build their lives after hav­ing faith­ful­ly and brave­ly served our coun­try. Some­times there can be a gap, one that many of our sol­diers fall into and can’t find a way out. 

Den­ny Katona, our guest on The Extra­or­di­nary Zone, talks about how he found him­self in the deep­est dark­est part of that gap. He tells us how he climbed out of the gap and how he stays out of it going for­ward. This amaz­ing vet­er­an built a non-prof­it, OP Vet­er­an, to serve the vet­er­an com­mu­ni­ty and con­nect with oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. Their goal is to one day cre­ate a hub so that no vet­er­an is ever left in that gap alone. They strive to give vet­er­ans mul­ti­ple hands to grab onto to pull them­selves out. 

Don’t use a per­ma­nent solu­tion for a tem­po­rary problem”

Den­ny Katona
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Extra­or­di­nary Zone — Inter­view With Den­ny Katona