It’s so interesting when I hear people who would have nothing to do with Jesus speak His name in frustration or as an exclamation, like Jesus is a Four Letter Word, one of those Four Letter Words. In the media I have heard so many renditions of its uses. One thing I do wonder…
Could I go on national Television and say “Jesus loves you”? Would it be allowed? Would I be “beeped”?
I was watching a current series of a show that began in the 60s. This show since its creation has had many follow up series and movies over the decades that followed and they had just began a new one. I had always seen the show as somewhat wholesome. This show aired in one of the basic network channels. As I was watching one the characters, who was portrayed as a bit innocent and sweet blurted the f bomb
I was like, wait whoa, when did I turn to a network channel? And what I will say is it was streaming on a service, so it’s possible this did not air directly on television but it was definitely unexpected. It seems as time has passed what wasn’t okay is starting to be more okay slowly over time. I am wondering what media will look like 50 years from now. Think of what is was like 50 years back?
It’s so curious to me that while some concepts and words are becoming more acceptable within the media, others have been slowly removed or maybe even banned. There was a time when shows spoke about God and the faith of a family on network television, but they seem more far and few between as time goes on.
Has Jesus been censured????? Is He now a four letter word????
Quality time and Cute Kitsch during Quarantine with the Vintage Girls
What started out as an idea for a typical garage sale transformed into anything but typical as 5 girls, who are also students and baristas at an amazing coffee shop in Hollister, MO, “accidentally” on purpose discovered their entrepreneurial edge. These ladies organized and set up #SipNShopCo, a unique business idea that promotes community and supports a local community centered business.
The #vintagegirls began virtually to adjust to the city shutdown with adorable wrapped care packages, delivered with sweet notes and coupons for Vintage Paris to bring encouragement during the unexpected times to the weary. You can find them and their amazing line of clothing and items on Instagram or in person during one of their scheduled pop up events at #VintageParis.
Opting Out
The Extraordinary Zone — Interview with The Vintage Girls
Sit back and relax to the pleasant sounds of children, pups and bouncing balls, as I battle through the struggle of children physics which, btw, seems to defy regular physics. Why?! Arg!!! What are we missing?!
Therefore, it feels like we can spend hours, days and years putting carefully placed, protective spiritual armor and technologically sound, equipping materials on their little bodies. Then, they go to the playground and in like 5 seconds the armor just disintegrates like a parachute filled with pots and pans instead of the parachute you purchased. Also, that YouTube video you didn’t play that pops up out of nowhere teaching them the wrong thing that seems to be burned in their memory after seeing it just for *a second* as you face dive for the remote to change it. So at this point, they are sitting ducks waiting to be picked off ready to bring all those newly learned bad habits home to their younger siblings who then stage a mutiny!
They know we are out numbered!
Why?! What am I missing?!!! Maybe we can figure this out together…
There is never a place so dark that light cannot pierce through. In fact, what happens to us as children can be healed, if we are willing. And did you know that miracles still happen every moment? If you don’t believe me, I encourage you to listen to this true story about Joe Defina and his journey from Tragedy to Faith. Yes friend, you heard me right. At a conference, I heard someone say,
“If you want to see that miracles still happen, look in the mirror.” Let’s take a moment to let that sink in, we will wait…
Often times, even with belief that miracles can happen, they can go unnoticed if we aren’t careful. So, join us as we interview this extraordinary gentleman. His amazing story of healing through faith, humility and neighborly love is absolutely amazing. Also, it is filled with the miraculous. We aren’t meant to be isolated. So, when we join together in love to promote healing, the supernatural always happens. Then, empowerment flows out abundantly to anyone willing to receive it. Sometimes we need the reminder that miracles still happen. Get ready to be empowered and inspired to step into your very own Extraordinary Zone. Let’s be inspired by Joe Defina through his life’s journey full of hurts, recovery and ultimately a calling to speak and encourage.
*Note: There are many ministries to help with trauma faced by children see one here
We were always meant to be in community with each other. Technology and current climate tends to find us more separated from each other. We don’t want to burden each other or we are afraid of someone outside our vulnerable zone seeing “our mess”. It makes for silos and struggles.
What would happen if we invited someone to support us in an area they are strong in, rather than engaging someone who may lack the experience? What if you told a successful musician you aspired to be a musician rather than discussing it with one who is genius at computer programming?
The world will think you are crazy anytime you “Opt Out” of what is considered the norm. It’s outside of the comfort zone and will generate resistance. Think of any time someone set out to change things. Think about all the history around all men and women being treated equally.
You did what??? How are you guys able to do that???? These are just some of the questions we have heard as we embarked on our mobile adventures 5 months ago. In this podcast I go back to where it all began, the condensed version, and catch up to today. Get a closer look into our crazy. Also look for an interview with me by a fellow podcaster and adventurer sometime later this month.
Who doesn’t love the idea of an adventure? Don’t worry, the thought is supposed create a little trepidation. It is part of the process. Most amazing things will stretch us and stretching beyond our limits comes with pain. But the pain means we are getting stronger and soon it subsides, just as when we build muscles.
What thing is calling you? What is your current, “X marks the spot”? We all have buried treasure, it just takes some digging and creativity to find it. What thing comes to your mind that the idea of you doing it causes your heart to skip a beat? Both our of hesitation and excitement? If you don’t know, don’t worry, the timing for the extraordinary is always perfect, because our creator has perfect timing.
So we have heard and/or seen that we are Extraordinary with our ears, (if you haven’t, see Part I). If you are here and if you are reading this, you are, you were made specifically and intentionally. as Derek Prince says, you are not some accident waiting to happen somewhere. But did we know that we are of Extraordinary Value too?
But do we believe it?
Has your personal view of your value, Your Extraordinary Value increased yet?
Sometimes to really experience something and to believe it, it takes a 360 degree view through all the available senses where amazingly, some senses can be more heightened than others, (another appearance of the extraordinary in us). In this we talk about some of the other senses, along with our hearts, minds, strength and soul. I encourage you to listen with your senses heightened and ready, it’s high time you know your Extraordinary Value.
Did you hear about the parable of the “Pearl of Great Price”? Matthew 13:45–46. It is a lovely account of what someone will do for something they find that is worth more than the sum of everything they own. What if we saw ourselves as that pearl? What if someone thought we were so valuable that they were willing to go broke to be with us or help us? It’s a beautiful thought. What is value? It is the measure of what someone is willing to pay or sacrifice for something.
Something amazing is about to happen…
Bonus Question for after the Podcast: How does your fruit taste? Bitter, Sweet or Rotten? More on this later…
Sometimes transition can be difficult. Often times when we dedicate ourselves fully for a while, we can lose sight of our identity. Maybe we never really knew it in the first place. For many veterans, it can be a struggle finding their purpose as they build their lives after having faithfully and bravely served our country. Sometimes there can be a gap, one that many of our soldiers fall into and can’t find a way out.
Denny Katona, our guest on The Extraordinary Zone, talks about how he found himself in the deepest darkest part of that gap. He tells us how he climbed out of the gap and how he stays out of it going forward. This amazing veteran built a non-profit, OP Veteran, to serve the veteran community and connect with other organizations. Their goal is to one day create a hub so that no veteran is ever left in that gap alone. They strive to give veterans multiple hands to grab onto to pull themselves out.
“Don’t use a permanent solution for a temporary problem”
Denny Katona
Opting Out
Extraordinary Zone — Interview With Denny Katona